
Ancient Dining Decoded: Do You Follow the Same Rules as the Romans?

In medieval Europe, what was a common etiquette for using knives at the table?

No knives allowed

Always share knives

Wipe with bread after use

Only use wooden knives

Medieval diners were expected to wipe their knives with bread after using them to ensure they were clean before being used again or placed back on the table.

What was a unique dining rule for ancient Egyptian nobility?

Stand while eating

No speaking allowed

Always leave leftovers

Use gold utensils only

Ancient Egyptian nobility had a rule to always leave leftovers, which symbolized abundance and wealth, ensuring they did not appear greedy.

In 19th century France, what was considered impolite to do with bread?

Cut with a knife

Dunk in soup

Break with hands

Place on the table

In 19th century France, it was considered impolite to cut bread with a knife. Bread was supposed to be broken by hand at the table.

During the Victorian era in England, which utensil was improper to use for eating asparagus?





In the Victorian era, it was considered improper to use a knife for asparagus; the vegetable was typically eaten with hands or a fork.

In traditional Japanese dining, what is a major etiquette rule regarding chopsticks?

Do not cross them

Leave sticking in rice

Use only wooden chopsticks

Hold at the top

In Japanese dining, crossing chopsticks is considered rude, as it is associated with funerary rites and therefore considered bad luck.

What was a dining etiquette rule among ancient Romans when attending a feast?

Eat only with right hand

Must wear togas

Start with dessert

Lie on the left side

Ancient Romans would recline on their left side on couches during feasts, a position that was part of the formal dining setting.

In the 16th century Spain, what was a rule about discussing certain topics at the table?

No talking about war

Politics strictly forbidden

Discuss only family matters

No personal questions

In 16th century Spain, it was a rule to avoid discussing politics at the dining table to prevent disputes and maintain a peaceful meal environment.

What was a traditional rule for knights’ dining etiquette in medieval times?

Always toast the king first

Must not eat before the king

Serve others before self

No elbows on the table

Knights must not eat before the king starts his meal, a rule that emphasized respect and hierarchy in medieval times.

How were ancient Greeks expected to handle leftovers at communal meals?

Take home in baskets

Leave for the servants

Offer to the gods

Dispose immediately

Leftovers from communal meals in ancient Greece were often offered to the gods as a form of sacrifice and respect.

What is a unique dining etiquette from the Ming Dynasty in China?

Finish all rice

Never refuse seconds

Elbows off the table

Taste every dish

During the Ming Dynasty, finishing all the rice in one’s bowl was considered respectful and showed appreciation for the meal provided.

In ancient Persian dining, what was customary to bring to meals?

Own utensils

Fruits to share

Personal cushions

Special guest

Ancient Persians often brought their own cushions to meals, which were used to recline while eating as part of the dining experience.

How did Byzantine diners traditionally signal they were finished eating?

Leave a bite

Cross utensils

Stand up

Fold napkin

In the Byzantine Empire, crossing utensils on the plate was a formal way to indicate that one had finished eating.

What is a traditional Korean table etiquette concerning spoons?

Use for rice only

Never use for soup

Place on right side

Do not lift bowl

In traditional Korean dining etiquette, it is considered impolite to lift the soup bowl off the table while eating.

During Renaissance Italy, what was a dining rule regarding fruit?

Eat with forks

Only after meals

Peel before eating

No citrus allowed

In Renaissance Italy, it was customary to peel fruit before eating, reflecting manners and the use of newly introduced utensils.

What was a taboo in ancient Mayan dining etiquette?

Eating before elders

Using left hand

Sharing plates

Drinking water

In ancient Mayan culture, it was taboo to start eating before the elders had begun their meal, as a sign of respect.

In 17th century Dutch dining, what was considered proper for bread placement?

At the edge of the plate

Under the fork

Beside the knife

In front of cup

In 17th century Dutch dining etiquette, it was proper to place bread at the edge of the plate to keep the table neat and organized.

What etiquette rule did the Ottoman Turks follow for drinking coffee?

Stand while drinking

Always add sugar

Serve oldest first

Sip, don’t slurp

In Ottoman Turkish culture, when serving coffee, it was customary to serve the oldest person first as a sign of respect.

In traditional Russian dining, what was expected regarding toasts?

Stand to toast

Drink after each

Toast with water

Only host toasts

In traditional Russian dining settings, it is expected for everyone to stand when giving a toast, signifying participation and respect.

How did Victorian English ensure discretion at the dining table?

Whispering only

No pointing

Signal with napkin

Use coded phrases

Victorians used subtle napkin signals to communicate discreetly at the table, such as placing it on the chair to excuse oneself quietly.

What was a common rule for serving dishes in medieval French courts?

Serve hottest first

Rotate dishes

Season heavily

Largest portions to nobles

In medieval French courts, it was customary to serve the largest portions of food to the nobles, reflecting their higher status in the social hierarchy.

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