Science & Technology

Sci-Fi Movie Posters Quiz: How Many Can You Name?

In a galaxy far, far away, many years ago. These are the starship Enterprise’s expeditions. Our favorite science fiction films contain so many recognizable actors, scenes, and lines. These films have the ability to capture the imagination and open the door to unfamiliar and exciting territory that is just waiting to be explored, whether they are epics set on distant planets or adventures set on our own planet. Check your sci-fi genre knowledge.

To prevent a psychotic warlord from eradicating a planet’s entire population, a band of unlikely heroes set out across the galaxy.

Ice Pirates

Space Cowboys


Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy
Even though the film was a huge hit, the soundtrack for “Guardians of the Galaxy” quickly rose to the top of all-time soundtrack popularity despite not having any original music. Some of the scenes were created to go with particular songs.

A small group of fighters defeats an alien race with superior technology that is out to wipe out the human race.



Independence Day


Independence Day
The film’s original script did not include the president’s famous “Independence Day” speech. It was later added to increase drama and to encourage the studio to fight for the rights to the title, which were owned by another studio.

Future soldiers engage in a bloody war with an insect-like race.

Star Wars



Starship Troopers

Starship Troopers
‘Starship Troopers,’ adapted from a novel by Robert Heinlein, contains many references to fascist movements of World War II, and the soldiers’ uniforms even borrow elements from German military clothing.

Ellen Ripley has returned to fight extraterrestrial beings who have taken over a moon colony.

Independence Day



E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Sigourney Weaver was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance as Ellen Ripley in Aliens. It was the first time an actress was nominated for her work in an action film.

The police in Detroit’s failing city use a fallen officer’s transformation into a cybernetic being to defeat drug lords.


Total Recall

Demolition Man


Numerous issues with the RoboCop suit troubled Peter Weller. The actor lost up to 3 pounds per day just from water loss because the costume was so heavy. Weller found it impossible to get in and out of his squad car due to the bulky suit.

Tom Cruise stars as a tech-savvy police detective who becomes a victim of his crime-fighting techniques in this 2002 Steven Spielberg thriller.

Total Recall

Minority Report

The Matrix

I, Robot

Minority Report
Steven Spielberg assembled a team of futurists to come up with ideas for things that might be commonplace in the year 2054 to create a believable future in his film. Much of the technology, which was cutting-edge in 2002, is now commonplace, such as touch screens on smartphones.

A simple waste disposal robot embarks on an incredible journey that ultimately has a significant impact on the future of the human race.



A.I. Artificial Intelligence


Although WALL-E set in the distant future, the filmmakers drew inspiration from the past. The director looked to classic silent films for guidance on how to tell a story through visual means because a large portion of the movie lacks dialogue.

Bruce Willis stars as an ex-military taxi driver tasked with saving the world from a sinister extraterrestrial threat.


Taxi Driver

The Fifth Element

Dr. Strangelove

The Fifth Element
Luc Besson, the director, wrote the initial script for The Fifth Element when he was still in high school, but he was 38 years old when it was released in theaters. It was the most expensive European film ever made when it was released.

A New York police officer joins a covert group tasked with defending Earth from the universe’s most evil inhabitants.

Men in Black

The Arrival

Alien Nation


Men in Black
Ray-Ban created the recognizable styles of sunglasses worn by the Men in Black. The business saw a more than 300 percent increase in sales as how well-liked the movie was.

When a robot appears to defy its programming by murdering a human, police investigate and discover a much darker reality.

I, Robot

Bicentennial Man

Demolition Man

A.I. Artificial Intelligence

I, Robot
‘I, Robot,’ based on the works of science fiction legend Isaac Asimov, employs the author’s “three laws of robotics” as a plot device. A robot must not harm or allow a human to be harmed by inaction under these guidelines. It must also obey any orders given by humans while acting in the best interests of its survival.

This 2009 film depicts a dystopian world in which an extraterrestrial race is forced to live in a poor area of Earth.

The Avengers

District 9



District 9
The plot of ‘District 9’ is based on events occurred during apartheid in a section of Johannesburg, South Africa. Many of the shacks used in the film were real-life residences in Johannesburg’s District 6.

A disabled Marine assumes the appearance of a member of the planet Pandora’s native race. He starts to empathize with their way of life as he coexists with them.


Dances With Wolves

Blade Runner


James Cameron originally wanted to make Avatar in the late 1990s, but the cost of the special effects made it untouchable by any studio. By the early 2000s, technology had advanced enough to make production feasible.

A genetic engineering business can revive extinct life that went extinct 65 million years ago.

The Time Machine


Jurassic Park

Land of the Lost

Jurassic Park
Dinosaurs gained enormous popularity thanks to Jurassic Park, which also had an impact on the name of Toronto’s NBA expansion team.

To figure out how to return to his own time, an 80s California teen who got lost in 1955 communicates with his parents in the past.


Back to the Future

X-Men: Days of Future Past

The Time Machine

Back to the Future
After discovering his father’s high school yearbook, Back to the Future co-writer Bob Gale had the inspiration for the film. If he could go back in time to his father’s teenage years, he wondered if they would get along.

A relentless cybernetic organism from the future arrives with the sole intent of killing Sarah Connor. With the aid of a soldier who followed the robot back in time, she can survive.


The Terminator

Mad Max

V for Vendetta

The Terminator
O.J. Simpson received a lot of consideration for the part of the cybernetic killer. Because the former football star couldn’t pass muster as a cold-blooded killer, the producers decided to move on.

An underground computer hacker learns that the life he and everyone else is living is a complex fantasy created by the machines that are enslaving humanity.

Lawnmower Man

Life of Pi

The Matrix

Tron: Legacy

The Matrix
Scenes in the real world have more natural colors, while those in the Matrix are all given distinct green overtones. The greens are used to give the impression that the viewer is watching a movie on a vintage computer monitor.

Mark Watney, portrayed by Matt Damon, is an astronaut who must eke out an existence after becoming stranded on an alien planet.



2001: A Space Odyssey

The Martian

The Martian
To accurately depict the rigors of space travel, NASA conducted extensive consultation for “The Martian.” Future missions to Mars are taking some of the techniques from the film into consideration.

Jodie Foster competes to be the human selected to represent the entire planet in the first meeting after an alien race sends a signal back to Earth.





Carl Sagan, a renowned astronomer and producer of the movie “Contact,” adapted a novel for the screen. One of Sagan’s well-known quotations is the one that refers to the absence of more life in the universe as “an awful waste of space.”

An encounter with an extraterrestrial spacecraft leads to a vision for a utility worker from the Midwest.


Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Independence Day


Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Every night, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” is shown at the KOA campground at Devil’s Tower, making it one of the movies with the most screenings ever.

An adventure-seeking construction worker gets his wish when he finds himself the target of a global conspiracy and manhunt.

Demolition Man

The Bourne Identity

Dark City

Total Recall

Total Recall
The short story “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale” by Philip K. Dick served as the inspiration for the film. The main character’s last name is Quaid in the movie, but it is Quail in the original story. There is a widespread theory that this was done to avoid confusion with Dan Quayle, the vice president of the United States at the time.

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