This natural landmark in Wyoming was the first national monument in America. Name that “tower”.

Sears Tower
Angels Tower
Devils Tower
Tower of Death
Go get married at this falls, a natural landmark shared with Canada.

Havasu Falls
Niagara Falls
Yosemite Falls
Victoria Falls
WWII struck the U.S. at home here, where the USS Arizona memorial now stands.

Hudson Harbor
San Francisco Bay
Pearl Harbor
Ann Harbor
This needle pierces the skyline. To which city does it belong?

Do you remember this Franciscan mission, a monument to the Texans lost in their war for independence?

The Lost War
The Alamo
The Calamo
The Kablamo
lacier National Park is home to over 120 lakes, 1,000 plant species, and hundreds of species of animals. Where can you find Glacier?

North Dakota
This home belonged to America’s first president. What name did he give his mansion house?

Mount Olive
The White House
Mount Vernon
This bridge is golden. To which city does it lead?

Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco
Which U.S. president is NOT found on this national monument?

John F. Kennedy
George Washington
Theodore Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
This canyon is grand. What river runs through it?

Mississippi River
Missouri River
Hudson Bay
Colorado River
What is the name of this national park located in northwestern Wyoming, a popular recreational location for climbing, hiking, and fishing.

Guadalupe Mountains National Park
Grand Teton National Park
Glacier National Park
Denali National Park
Born on March 1, 1872, what is the name of the first national park in the U.S., sometimes thought of as the first national park in the world?

Grand Teton National Park
Yellowstone National Park
Yosemite National Park
Zion National Park
Located in Utah, what is the name of the second biggest man-made reservoir in the United States?

Lake Powell
Cherokee Lake
Make Mead
DeGray Lake
In what city will you find the Liberty Bell?

Washington, D.C.
What country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States?

Great Britain

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