What program launched the first U.S. astronauts?

Project Mercury
Project Gemini
Apollo Program
Skylab Program
Which Apollo mission was the “successful failure”?

Apollo 11
Apollo 13
Apollo 17
Apollo 8
What was the goal of the Vostok program?

Orbit Earth
Moon flyby
Mars landing
Space station
Which of the following missions was a joint spaceflight between the USA and the Soviet Union?

Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
Gemini 6
Which satellite first transmitted a TV signal?

Echo 1
Explorer 1
Who was the first human to orbit Earth?

Neil Armstrong
Yuri Gagarin
John Glenn
Alan Shepard
What was the name of the first satellite in space?

Explorer 1
Sputnik 1
Luna 1
Voyager 1
Who was the first astronaut to perform an EVA?

Yuri Gagarin
Alexei Leonov
Neil Armstrong
John Glenn
What did Sputnik 2 famously carry into orbit?

A dog
A cat
A mouse
A monkey
What was the first successful mission to land a rover on the Moon?

Apollo 15
Luna 17
Apollo 13
Surveyor 1
Which U.S. president committed the nation to landing a man on the moon?

John F. Kennedy
Dwight Eisenhower
Lyndon B. Johnson
Richard Nixon
Which was the first mission to use a lunar rover?

Apollo 11
Apollo 12
Apollo 15
Apollo 17
What is the name of the first U.S. Earth satellite?

Explorer 1
Vanguard 1
Echo 1
Which mission completed the first manned docking in space?

Gemini 8
Gemini 6
Apollo 10
Skylab 2
Which mission was the first to successfully photograph the far side of the Moon?

Apollo 8
Luna 3
Gemini 11
Apollo 13
What was the primary objective of the Apollo 11 mission?

Orbit the moon
First manned lunar landing
Map the moon’s surface
Who was the first American to orbit the Earth?

Alan Shepard
Gus Grissom
John Glenn
Scott Carpenter
Which country launched the first woman into space?

United States
Soviet Union
Which space probe was the first to reach the vicinity of Mars?

Mariner 4
Viking 1
Mars Pathfinder
Which probe was the first to fly past Venus?

Mariner 2
Pioneer 5
Venus Express

Grounded Astronaut
You might need a little more training before lift-off!

Moon Walker
You’re on your way! A few more orbits and you’ll have it mastered.
Space Race Champion
You’ve conquered the cosmos! Nothing about the Space Race is alien to you!