
Confident in Your Smarts? Test Yourself Against These Common Myths!

Can you catch a cold from being cold?

Yes, cold weakens immunity

No, viruses cause colds

Only in winter

Yes, being wet and cold

The common cold is caused by viruses, not by cold weather itself. However, being cold can lead to behaviors (like staying indoors) that increase the chance of viral infection.

Does drinking coffee stunt your growth?

No evidence supports this

Only in children

Yes, affects bone density

Only excessive amounts

There is no scientific evidence to support the myth that drinking coffee stunts growth. This misconception may arise from earlier studies linking caffeine consumption to reduced calcium levels, but the impact on growth has been debunked.

Does sugar make children hyperactive?

Yes, increases hyperactivity

No, no effect on behavior

Yes, causes erratic behavior

No, makes them sleepy

Scientific studies, including a meta-analysis, show that sugar does not affect the behavior or cognitive performance of children. The myth likely stems from parental expectations and anecdotal observations.

Does the full moon cause erratic behavior?

Yes, influences mood

No scientific basis

Only in sensitive individuals

Affects only animals

Studies have found no reliable link between the full moon and erratic behavior in humans. The belief in the moon’s influence is likely rooted in folklore and confirmation bias.

Does sitting too close to the TV damage eyes?

Causes long-term damage

Temporarily strains eyes

No effect on vision

Only in old TVs

Sitting too close to the television can cause eye strain but does not cause permanent vision damage. This myth likely started with early TVs, which emitted more radiation.

Is it dangerous to wake sleepwalkers?

Yes, causes heart attacks

No, but it can be disorienting

Only in deep sleep

Dangerous for their mental health

It is a myth that waking sleepwalkers is dangerous. It may disorient them, but it is not harmful. The myth may stem from the potential for violent reactions due to confusion or fear upon waking.

Is the Great Wall of China visible from space?

Yes, with the naked eye

No, too similar to surroundings

Only with magnification

Visible on clear days

The Great Wall of China is not visible from space with the naked eye. Astronauts confirm that it is very difficult to see any human-made object from space without aid, as the wall blends into its natural surroundings.

Do we swallow spiders in our sleep annually?

Yes, about 8 spiders

No, spiders avoid humans

Only in certain countries

Yes, but only tiny ones

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that people swallow a certain number of spiders while sleeping. Spiders generally avoid humans, and this myth is likely an urban legend.

Does drinking alcohol kill brain cells?

Yes, destroys neurons

No, but damages connections

Only in excess

Alcohol boosts neuron growth

Alcohol does not kill brain cells but can damage the dendrites, which are crucial for neuron communication. This impairment can affect cognitive functions without actually destroying neurons.

Does consuming carrots improve your night vision?

Significantly improves vision

No, it’s a myth

Helps only slightly

Beneficial for eye health

While carrots are high in vitamin A, which is good for eye health, they do not improve night vision to a significant degree. This myth originated from WWII propaganda.

Does cracking your knuckles lead to arthritis?

Yes, causes joint wear

No, just releases gas

Only with excessive force

Causes bone weakening

Cracking knuckles does not cause arthritis. The sound is caused by the bursting of gas bubbles in the synovial fluid, which lubricates joints. There is no evidence linking it to joint damage.

Do we need to drink eight glasses of water daily?

Yes, for all adults

No, needs vary by individual

Only in hot climates

Depends on physical activity

The recommendation to drink eight glasses of water a day is not supported by scientific evidence. Hydration needs vary greatly based on individual health, activity level, and environmental conditions.

Can eating at night make you gain weight?

Yes, increases weight

No, total calories matter more

Only unhealthy food

Depends on metabolism

Eating at night does not inherently cause weight gain; total caloric intake over the day is what matters. The myth may stem from patterns of nighttime snacking on high-calorie foods.

Do goldfish have a three-second memory?

No, they remember for months

Yes, very short memory

Only under stress

Depends on the species

Research has shown that goldfish can remember information for months, debunking the myth that they have only a three-second memory. This demonstrates their ability to learn and remember beyond very short intervals.

Can humans use only 10% of their brain?

Yes, rest is dormant

No, every part is used

Only during sleep

Yes, but increases with age

Neurological research has disproven the myth that 90% of the brain is inactive. Brain imaging shows activity throughout the entire brain, even during simple tasks.

Is reading in dim light damaging to your eyes?

Yes, permanently

No, just temporary strain

Yes, causes myopia

Only for elderly people

Reading in dim light does not cause lasting damage to the eyes. It can lead to eye strain, which is temporary and subsides after adequate lighting is restored or the eyes are rested.

Is mobile phone radiation harmful to health?

Causes cancer

No proven health effects

Only with excessive use

Depends on the signal strength

Scientific consensus holds that mobile phone radiation, which is non-ionizing, does not cause cancer or significant health effects under normal usage conditions. This myth persists due to ongoing debates and mixed study results.

Is Vitamin C effective at preventing colds?

Highly effective

Somewhat effective

Not effective

Only in children

Extensive research has shown that Vitamin C does not significantly prevent the common cold, though it may slightly reduce the duration and severity of symptoms in some people.

Can you see the Great Wall from the moon?

Yes, clearly visible

No, blends with the environment

Only with telescopes

Visible at certain times

The myth that the Great Wall of China can be seen from the moon has been debunked by astronauts and scientists. It is not visible from such a distance without aid, blending into the surrounding landscape.

Does shaving hair make it grow back thicker?

Yes, grows back thicker

No change in thickness

Yes, and darker

No, just appears thicker

Shaving does not change the thickness or rate of hair growth. The hair may appear thicker because shaving creates a blunt tip on the hairs, which are noticeable as they regrow.

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