Why do people throw coins into fountains?

Wish for good luck
Clean the water
Feed fish
Support fountain maintenance
Why is “crossing fingers” used to wish for luck?

Christian sign of the cross
Pagan symbol for unity
To confuse evil spirits
Gesture of hope
Why is the horseshoe considered lucky?

Shape like a crescent moon
Made of iron, scares spirits
Hangs over doorways
All of these reasons
Why do sailors consider red skies at night lucky?

Weather clearing up
Sign of storms
Ocean calming down
Sunset reflection
Why is spilling salt considered bad luck?

Associated with lies
Waste of expensive commodity
Invites evil spirits
Sign of clumsiness
Why is walking under a ladder considered unlucky?

Tripping hazard
Symbolic of gallows
Bad for paint jobs
Can disturb work
What is the origin of “touching wood” in the UK?

To check timber strength
Forest spirit protection
Avoid jinxing good fortune
To make noise
What does finding a four-leaf clover supposedly bring?

Eternal love
Financial loss
Good luck
New friends
Why do people say “knock on wood” after tempting fate?

Invoke protection from trees
Dispel gathered spirits
Prevent jinx by distraction
All of these reasons
Why do people throw salt over their left shoulder?

Improve flavor
Cleanse the area
Ward off evil
Prevent spills
Why are black cats considered unlucky in some cultures?

Associated with witches
Night hunters
Bad omens
Cause allergies
Why do people knock on wood for luck?

To check wood quality
To make noise
To wake forest spirits
Avoid spirits hearing plans
Why do people avoid the number 13?

Too many syllables
Unlucky at gambling
Judas was the 13th guest
Difficult to divide
What does breaking a mirror supposedly bring?

Seven years good luck
Seven years bad luck
Good weather
Visitor to the house
Why is giving a knife as a gift bad luck?

Cuts the relationship
Knife can backfire
Blade invites aggression
All of these reasons
What does it mean if your left palm itches?

Going to lose money
Will receive a gift
Coming into money
Need to wash hands
Why is it considered bad luck to open an umbrella indoors?

Blocks out light
Disturbs spirits
Ancient Egyptian symbol
Causes rain
What is the origin of saying “Bless you” when someone sneezes?

Prevent the soul from escaping
Courtesy to the sneezer
Stop evil spirits entering
Wish for good health
Why do actors say “break a leg” instead of “good luck”?

Avoid tempting fate
Theaters have many stairs
Misfortune in saying luck
All of these reasons
Why is the number 7 considered lucky?

Biblical significance
Seven planets visible to naked eye
Represents perfection
All of these reasons

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