What is the traditional Inuit game of ‘Knuckle Hop’ also known as?

Arm Pull
Seal Hop
Finger Pull
Leg Wrestling
Which game involves kicking a ball suspended in the air?

High Kick
Blanket Toss
One Foot High Kick
Two Foot High Kick
What is the objective in the game of ‘Ayuq’?

Pull the opponent across a line
Throw a spear the farthest
Maintain balance on a floating log
Toss objects into a distant container
Which game tests the ability to endure pain?

Ear Pull
Nose Pull
Finger Pull
Head Pull
In the ‘Blanket Toss,’ what traditionally acts as the trampoline?

Woven ropes
Seal skins
Elastic bands
Bear hides
What skill does the ‘Two Foot High Kick’ primarily test?

Which game is played with a dart and a rope?

Dart Throw
Rope Swing
Ring Toss
Rope and Pin
Which game mimics hunting and involves a spear?

Spear Toss
Harpoon Throw
Ice Fishing
Target Spear
What does the game ‘Iqiruktuk’ involve?

Jumping over objects
Throwing small stones
Memorizing sequences
Running on ice
Which traditional game is similar to wrestling?

Arm Pull
Leg Wrestling
Finger Wrestling
What does the Inuit game ‘Nalukataq’ celebrate?

Whaling success
First snow
Midnight sun
Ice melting
What traditional Arctic game involves a large swing?

Giant Swing
Pole Climb
Ice Slide
Skin Swing
What is used as a target in the ‘Atlatl Dart’ game?

Moving targets
Ice blocks
Animal figures
Wooden stakes
Which game improves hand-eye coordination using a small ball?

What traditional game is a form of Arctic tag?

Tuktu Tag
Kunuk Tag
Nanuq Tag
Qimmiq Tag
Which game tests a player’s ability to jump long distances?

Long Jump
Seal Bound
Ice Leap
Arctic Hop
What does the ‘Uqausik’ game involve?

Singing competition
Naming objects
Rhyming words
Which Arctic game is played with bones as game pieces?

Bone Guess
Bone Toss
Ivory Play
What is a traditional form of competitive arm wrestling in the Arctic?

Knuckle Wrestle
Wrist Twist
Elbow Bend
Arm Push
Which game tests the ability to balance while moving?

Ice Balancing
Skin Shuffle
Seal Slide
Snow Stomp

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