
Founding Fathers Challenge: How Well Do You Know Revolutionary War History?

What significant document did John Hancock famously sign?

U.S. Constitution

Bill of Rights

Declaration of Independence

Articles of Confederation

John Hancock is best known for his prominent and stylish signature on the Declaration of Independence, serving as President of the Continental Congress at the time.

Which country was a crucial ally to the American colonies during the Revolutionary War?





France played a crucial role as an ally to the American colonies, providing military support, supplies, and troops which were pivotal in securing American independence.

Which battle is considered the turning point of the Revolutionary War due to a decisive American victory?

Battle of Bunker Hill

Battle of Yorktown

Battle of Trenton

Battle of Saratoga

The Battle of Saratoga in 1777 is considered the turning point of the Revolutionary War because it secured a crucial victory for the Americans and helped persuade France to enter the war as an ally of the United States.

Who was the first woman to receive a military pension in the United States for her service during the Revolutionary War?

Deborah Sampson

Molly Pitcher

Betsy Ross

Martha Washington

Deborah Sampson disguised herself as a man to serve in the Continental Army and was later awarded a pension for her military service, making her the first woman to receive one in the United States.

What role did Benjamin Franklin play in aiding the American Revolutionary War effort?

Military General


Naval Commander

Finance Minister

Benjamin Franklin served as a key diplomat for the American cause, securing critical French support and alliances through his negotiations in Paris.

Which Revolutionary War hero is famously known for his midnight ride to warn of the approaching British forces?

Samuel Adams

Paul Revere

Patrick Henry

Nathan Hale

Paul Revere is best known for his midnight ride on April 18, 1775, to alert colonial militia of British forces’ advance towards Lexington and Concord. This warning played a crucial role in preparing the colonists.

Which of the following battles marked the end of the Revolutionary War?

Battle of Princeton

Battle of Monmouth

Battle of Chesapeake

Battle of Yorktown

The Battle of Yorktown in 1781 effectively ended the Revolutionary War with the surrender of British General Charles Cornwallis to American and French forces.

Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

John Adams

Benjamin Franklin

Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, which was adopted on July 4, 1776. He was tasked with drafting it as part of a committee that included Adams and Franklin.

Which American naval officer famously declared, “I have not yet begun to fight”?

John Paul Jones

Edward Preble

John Barry

Richard Dale

John Paul Jones, an American naval hero, uttered this defiant declaration during a fierce battle against the British ship HMS Serapis during the Revolutionary War.

Martha Washington

Deborah Sampson

Betsy Ross

Molly Pitcher

Betsy Ross is popularly credited with sewing the first American flag, according to legend, at the request of George Washington during the Revolutionary War.

Who led American troops to victory in the Battle of Saratoga?

Horatio Gates

George Washington

John Burgoyne

Charles Lee

Horatio Gates was the American general credited with the decisive victory at the Battle of Saratoga in 1777, which was a turning point in the Revolutionary War by securing French support for the American cause.

What was the primary role of the “Minutemen” during the Revolutionary War?

Cavalry scouts

Navy sailors

Quick-response militia

Artillery specialists

The Minutemen were civilian colonists who formed quick-response militia groups prepared to fight at a minute’s notice during the early stages of the Revolutionary War.

Who was the general in charge of British forces during the surrender at Yorktown?

William Howe

John Burgoyne

Charles Cornwallis

Thomas Gage

General Charles Cornwallis led the British forces at Yorktown, where he surrendered to American and French forces in 1781, effectively ending major combat operations in the Revolutionary War.

Who was the first U.S. Treasury Secretary who also played a crucial role in the Revolutionary War?

Thomas Paine

Alexander Hamilton

John Jay

James Madison

Alexander Hamilton served as an aide to General George Washington during the Revolutionary War before later becoming the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.

What was the most common weapon during the Revolutionary War?

Flintlock Musket




During the American Revolutionary War, the most common weapon used by soldiers was the flintlock musket. This type of firearm was standard among both British and American forces. The typical model used by the British was the Brown Bess musket, while American troops often used the Charleville musket, supplied by France after 1777.

Who commanded the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War?

John Adams

Benjamin Franklin

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

George Washington was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army by the Second Continental Congress in 1775, leading American forces throughout the war.

Who was known as the “Swamp Fox” for his guerrilla warfare tactics?

Francis Marion

Daniel Morgan

Nathanael Greene

Henry Knox

Francis Marion, known as the “Swamp Fox,” used guerrilla warfare tactics effectively against the British in the Southern campaign of the American Revolutionary War.

Which patriot is known for his influential pamphlets like “Common Sense”?

Patrick Henry

Samuel Adams

Thomas Paine

James Otis

Thomas Paine wrote “Common Sense,” a powerful pamphlet that argued for American independence from Britain and greatly influenced public opinion and the morale of the colonists.

Who was the French aristocrat that fought alongside American troops in the Revolutionary War?

Marquis de Lafayette

Charles Cornwallis

Friedrich von Steuben

Horatio Gates

Marquis de Lafayette was a French aristocrat and military officer who played a significant role in the American Revolution by aligning with American forces and providing tactical leadership and crucial support from France.

What was the main purpose of the Committees of Correspondence?

Draft the Declaration of Independence

Regulate trade laws

Organize protests against Britain

Foster communication between colonies

The Committees of Correspondence were established by American colonial leaders to maintain communication networks between the colonies, fostering unity and coordinating plans against British policies.

Revolutionary Rookie

You’re just starting your march towards independence!

Colonial Cadet

You’ve mustered a solid understanding of the Revolutionary War, keep pushing!

Patriot Prodigy

Your knowledge is as mighty as a cannon’s roar—true Revolutionary War expertise!

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