What amusing and unexpected facts do you know about the presidents of the United States? The U.S. Take the President’s Quiz, and you could find yourself in the Oval Office.
Which presidential candidate stated, “Change will not come if we wait for another person or another time”?

Barack Obama
Theodore Roosevelt
Stephen Breyer
John F. Kennedy
“Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today…” This president should have taken his advice and run a brush through his mane, as reporters often noted his “thatch of wild Republican hair.”

Hilary Duff
Abraham Lincoln
John Tyler
Martin Van Buren
Who was the only president who was an eternal bachelor, at last?

Lyndon B. Johnson
Thomas Jefferson
James Buchanan
Doris Day
Which president, who was not a micromanager, said: “By leadership, we mean the art of getting someone else to do something that you want him to do because he wants to do it, not because your position of power can compel him to do it”?

Gloria Estefan
William Henry Harrison
Richard Nixon
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Who was the first vice president in the line of succession to become president?

Chester A. Arthur
Josh Groban
John Tyler
Dwight D. Eisenhower
A real turkey, Which president ordered the installation of a bowling alley in the White House?

James A. Garfield
Richard Nixon
CeeLo Green
George W. Bush
Who is the only president to have ever completed a marathon?

George W. Bush
Benjamin Harrison
Brett Kavanaugh
Andrew Johnson
Which president who can play the saxophone has two Grammy awards—one for the best spoken word album and the other for the best-spoken word album for kids?

Bill Clinton
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Thomas Jefferson
Harry Connick Jr.
Which president thought it was right to defund the Second Bank of the United States but ended up on the $20 bill? “Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error.”

John F Kennedy
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Johnson
Theodore Roosevelt
Which president was Thomas Jefferson’s enemy? “Why can’t we be friends? Why can’t we be friends”?

Alexander Hamilton
George H. W. Bush
George Washington
John Adams
Which president was a star football player who declined offers from the Packers and the Lions? “Hut, hut, hike.”

Bobby Hendricks
Rutherford B. Hayes
Gerald Ford
Andrew Johnson
Which president had the longest marriage of any first couple, lasting 73 years?

Herbert Hoover
George H. W. Bush
Taylor Hicks
George W. Bush
Bow, awe. Which animal lover hosted two beagles at the White House named “Him” and “Her”?

Lyndon B. Johnson
James Buchanan
Barrack Obama
John Tyler
Which president was undoubtedly a distant relative of Winston Churchill? “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”

William R. King
John C. Calhoun
Franklin Pierce
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who was our most minor president, standing just 5’4″ tall and weighing just 100 pounds?

Chester A. Arthur
James Madison
James A. Garfield
William H. Taft
This man considered the nation’s capital to need “fixing up.” Which extravagant president hired a Tiffany & Co. designer to remodel the White House?

Woodrow Wilson
Warren G. Harding
Chester A. Arthur
Calvin Coolidge
Which president earned the nickname “His Fraudulency” after winning the presidency by just one electoral vote?

Gerald R. Ford
Jimmy Carter
Bill Clinton
Rutherford B. Hayes
Who was affectionately referred to as “Uncle Jumbo” and was the first (and only) president to hold office for two consecutive terms?

Zachary Taylor
Abraham Lincoln
Ulysses S. Grant
Grover Cleveland
Which president oversaw the nation while partially paralyzed following a string of strokes (with assistance from his wife)?

Woodrow Wilson
Ulysses S. Grant
Herbert Hoover
Donald J. Trump
What president’s untimely demise brought on by bacteria found in cherries and iced milk?

Franklin Pierce
Zachary Taylor
Gerald R. Ford
Richard M. Nixon
Who was the first president who was born in the United States?

John Quincy Adams
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Jackson
William Henry Harrison
Which president was known as “Handsome Frank” and “Fainting Frank”?

Franklin Pierce
James Buchanan
Benjamin Harrison
Theodore Roosevelt
Which president set aside his ego and said, “It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit”?

Harry S. Truman
Gerald Ford
Zachary Taylor
Barrack Obama
Writer’s block wasn’t an issue for this president. Who was the first leader in publishing a biography of a leader?

John Quincy Adams
Herbert Hoover
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore
Who among the presidents who detested public speaking once said, “Whenever you do something, act as if everyone is watching”?

James K. Polk
Lyndon B. Johnson
Thomas Jefferson
Franklin Pierce

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