What happens if you leave a white candle burning overnight?

Attract moths
Summon ancestral spirits
House becomes cursed
Fire hazard
What does a broom falling mean?

Unannounced visitor
Rain coming
Financial loss
Bad luck
What should you not do with old photographs?

Burn them
Tear them
Display in public
Give away
What is said to occur if you hang horseshoes upside down?

Good fortune
Spirits leave
Bad luck
Love fades
Why should mirrors be covered in a storm?

Reflect lightning
Prevent shattering
Trap evil spirits
Attract spirits
What happens if you step on a crack in the sidewalk?

Earthquake happens
Break your mother’s back
Lose your way home
Become unlucky
What is considered unlucky to keep broken?

Which item is often considered a harbinger of death if given as a gift?

A handkerchief
A watch
A pair of scissors
A mirror
Why should you avoid giving clocks as gifts?

Bad luck
Time runs out
Symbolizes death
Signals end
What is said to appear when you say “Bloody Mary” three times in front of a mirror?

A friendly ghost
A witch
A vampire
A vengeful spirit
What supposedly happens if you break a mirror?

Seven years bad luck
Infinite happiness
Loss of a friend
Financial prosperity
Which item is rumored to ward off evil spirits?

A blue bead
A red thread
A silver coin
A garlic bulb
What does spilling salt supposedly cause?

Lost friendships
Bad luck
Spoiled food
Rainy weather
Which item is believed to attract love when placed in the bedroom?

A rose quartz crystal
A wooden spoon
A silk pillowcase
A digital clock
What is said to bring prosperity when kept in the wallet?

A picture of a saint
A dollar coin
A cinnamon stick
A feather
Which item is said to cause death if lit thrice in one night?

A red candle
An oil lamp
A matchstick
A flashlight
What is considered unlucky to open indoors?

A book
An umbrella
A box
A jar
What supposedly happens if you rock an empty rocking chair?

It brings good luck
It summons spirits
It causes rain
It brings wealth
Which household item is rumored to be cursed if you sleep with it under your pillow?

A spoon
A pair of shoes
A toothbrush
A feather
Why is a black cat crossing your path considered unlucky?

Signals theft
Brings misfortune
Night spirits
Witches nearby

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Master of Mysteries
Nothing escapes your keen sense for the supernatural in the everyday!