The last year and a half have been difficult, but we’re here to remind you that not every apocalypse involves months of Netflix and takeout in your pajamas. It is always possible that things could be worse. Much worse. Worse, hordes of flesh-eating corpses. Would you be able to survive if the dead rose up and took over the world? The only way to find out is for you to take this quiz!
Who are the best people to team up with during a zombie apocalypse?

Strong, smart, and courageous people to help you get things done
Slow but cheerful people to keep your spirits up and act as human shields
Friendly and silly people to keep you amused
Cranky and whiny people to keep it real
What are the best supplies to have on hand during a zombie apocalypse?

Tons of energy drinks
Bottled water and canned food
Lots of chocolate
Fresh milk and vegetables
What should you do if someone in your group wants to split up and go off on their own?

Decide you want to venture out alone as well.
Shoot the dissenter.
Keep as many people as you can together and carry on with your survival plan.
Tell the entire group to disperse.
Surviving a zombie apocalypse is a mental challenge as well. What is the best way to get through tense, fear-filled days and nights?

Play card games with friends.
Fall in love with another survivor.
Drink lots of alcohol.
Focus on something you want to live for.
What should you do first when you arrive at a stronghold to establish a base?

Go back out to search for even more ammunition and supplies.
Look for a television and relax.
Fortify and block all possible entrances, such as doors and windows, then move to the highest floor.
Stand outside and shoot zombies.
Zombies have infiltrated your stronghold. You are fighting valiantly, but the majority of the group is gone. What should you do?

Become resigned that you have lost to the zombies and turn yourself over to them.
Keep fighting to the death.
Run into the zombie swarm with a grenade, killing yourself so the other survivors can escape.
Escape with the remaining survivors and run for higher ground.
What level of fitness is required to flee hordes of walking corpses?

Exercising several times per week, preferably with cardio and strength training
Occasionally running from the police
Working out really hard every May before beach season starts
Couch potato
Is it necessary to have survival skills in order to stay alive and escape the zombies?

Yes. It’s a zombie apocalypse, not a zombie Target run.
Do zombie video games count?
Kind of. Probably. Maybe?
No. This isn’t an episode of “Survivor.”
Is firearms training useful in the event of an apocalypse?

Not if you have a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.
Yes. You may have to fend off zombies and human attackers.
Yes. Most disagreements over resources will be solved by dueling.
Firearm? What is a firearm?
In the face of a zombocalypse, should you trust the government and military forces to protect you?

This is survival of the fittest, so kill everyone who comes within 10 feet.
Yes. The government will save us all.
Trust yourself and other like-minded survivors first.
Let the military forces have their way because they have lots of deadly weapons.
What is the Rule of Three for Survival?

Sugar keeps you going, so eat candy three times per day.
Make sure you always have chocolate, energy drinks, and a way to start a fire.
Sugar keeps you going, so eat candy three times per day.
You cannot survive longer than three weeks with no food, three days with no water, or three hours with no shelter.
What should you do if you hear reports of walking corpses devouring people in your neighborhood?

Ignore the reports. How silly! Remember Orson Welles and “War of the Worlds?”
Barricade your location.
Spring into instant preparation mode by gathering weapons, finding friends, and setting up defenses.
Lay hold of a firearm and prepare to start shooting.
Because of extensive brain damage, many of a zombie’s senses are impaired. How can the fact that zombies don’t have a sense of smell help you get away from them?

A dislike of rock music
Poor eyesight
Susceptibility to temperature extremes
Tendency to get sunburn
Which of the following individuals would be most useful to your zombie-fighting survival team?

A nurse
A teacher
A dancer
An architect
What should you do if you come across a group of people fighting off zombies while traveling?

You kill the zombies but leave the people behind.
You stop, kill the zombies, and bring the people with you.
You ignore them and drive on.
You kill both the people and the zombies.
Which of the following is the best weapon to use if you need to fight off a swarm of zombies?

A switchblade
A baseball bat or lead pipe
Brass knuckles
A machete
You’re surrounded by zombies and lack a weapon. What should you do?

Hit them with your bare hands.
Begin reasoning with them.
Act like a zombie by staggering, moaning, and drooling.
Try to run.
What are the four states in which humans can exist during a zombocalypse?

Alone, with a few friends, part of a large group, leader of a group
Human, infected, zombie, or slain zombie
Sober, slightly tipsy, roaring drunk, unconscious
Unaware, uneasy, terrified, frozen with fear
What are the two types of zombies you must look out for?

Slow and fast
Zombie and half-zombie
Violent and nonaggressive
Hungry and satiated
How can you best protect your windows and doors from hordes of zombies once you’ve set up your stronghold?

Hope for the best. Zombies are not smart, after all.
Pile up lumber, heavy furniture, and large objects.
Make sure everything is tightly locked.
Push weak group members against doors and windows.

You failed obviously! 😞
By then, you’ve almost certainly been eaten by zombies.

Oh no, you almost had it!
Try your luck next time, we will see if you survive.

Excellent work. You are a survivor! 😉
You will undoubtedly survive a zombie apocalypse.
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