The San Francisco 49ers, led by quarterback Steve Young, became the first NFL team to win five championship games in Super Bowl XXIX. In the big game in 1995, who did they defeat?

Pittsburgh Steelers
Denver Broncos
Miami Dolphins
San Diego Chargers
The Republicans assumed control of Congress at the start of 1995. For the first time since the 1950s, the GOP was in charge of both the House and the Senate. On January 4, 1995, a new Speaker of the House was elected.

Newt Gingrich
John Boehner
Paul Ryan
Dennis Hastert
When Michael Jordan re-joined the Bulls on March 19, 1995, his alleged retirement came to an end. What two words did he fax to let people know he was back?

“Let’s go!”
“Here’s Mikey!”
“I’m back”
“Retirement’s overrated”
The best-selling song of 1995, according to Billboard magazine, was Coolio’s “Gangsta’s Paradise.” What is the name of the actress who starred in the song’s music video?

Susan Sarandon
Julia Roberts
Meg Ryan
Michelle Pfeiffer
Singer Selena was murdered by the leader of her fan club in one of the darkest moments of 1995. Where was the murder committed?

Yakima, Washington
Corpus Christi, Texas
Mesa, Arizona
Chico, California
In 1995, Steve Fossett broke a record by becoming the first person to ever accomplish what?

Solo balloon flight across the Pacific
Kayaking the entire Mississippi River
Swimming across the English Channel
Base jumping from the Grand Canyon
Denver International Airport opened in February 1995, becoming the biggest in the country with 33,531 acres. What was it called before?

Gateway International Airport
Arapahoe International Airport
Mile High International Airport
Stapleton International Airport
One-seventh of its all-time high, which was attained in early 2020, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a record high in the early months of 1995. On February 23, 1995, what was the record closing price?

On July 9, 1995, the Grateful Dead performed their final live show with Jerry Garcia. Where did this important concert take place?

RFK Stadium
Hollywood Bowl
Shea Stadium
Soldier Field
The United States launched a Space Shuttle mission in 1995 to make history by docking with the Russian Mir Space Station. What was the Space Shuttle mission?

One of the technology behemoths that would come to define the Internet era was founded in March 1995. What is the name of the company?

America Online
1995 was a terrific year for the Internet since eBay debuted under the moniker Auction Web. What was the first thing that was put up for sale on the website, owned by the founder Pierre Omidyar?

Old set of cross country skis
Mug that said “Hang in There”
Laser pointer
In 1995, a busy year, another technological achievement took place when Samsung revealed in November that it will begin mass-producing what in 1996?

Flat screen TVs
Robotic vacuums
Flash drives
As a result of a December agreement, a protracted conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina came to an end. What place was it that this famous agreement was made?

Camp David, Maryland
Dayton, Ohio
Austin, Texas
Springfield, Illinois
With the release of the first Toy Story film, 1995 was a landmark year for cinema. Which of the following statements about the film is untrue?

It was directed by Josh Cooley
Woody was originally a ventriloquist dummy
It was the first feature-length computer animated movie
Billy Crystal turned down the role of Buzz
In 1995, Microsoft released Windows 95, a software program that was appropriately named for the year it was first released. Since when had Windows released a completely new version of its operating system?

During most of 1995, we were all riveted as OJ Simpson went on trial for murder, eventually being acquitted. On what exact date did the “trial of the century” end when the verdict was announced on live TV?

Louis Farrakhan
Jesse Jackson
Bill Cosby
Will Smith
The final Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, which featured Calvin stating, “It’s a magical world, Hobbes, ol’ friend… Let’s” what?, was published on December 31, 1995, marking the end of an era

“be friends forever”
“go fishing”
“say goodbye”
“go exploring”
On July 27, 1995, the Korean War Veterans Memorial was officially opened. How many years had passed since the armistice that put an end to the war was signed?

As the host of the Academy Awards in March 1995, David Letterman told a joke that would go down in history. Letterman followed his “Oprah? Uma. Uma. Oprah” with “Have you kids met” who?


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