Would you survive being lost at sea, from treading water to staying sane? Take this ocean or water survival quiz!
What other seafood can you eat that is readily available if you are having trouble catching fish or different marine life in the water?

Conchs and sea snails



Blue whales
If you have a PFD, this may help you stay afloat. What exactly is a PFD?

Personal Flotation Device
Personal, Fatigue and Delay
Physical Facilities Department
Physical Fitness Diagnostic
What is your best chance of being rescued if you are stranded at sea and spot a ship in the distance?

Paddling toward it
Signaling it
Waiting for it to spot you
Abandoning your raft and swimming toward it
You could also share your pallet with a blue whale, which consumes 16 tons of what every day?


Sea urchin


Frostbite can occur if you are stranded somewhere extremely cold. Which of the following is NOT one of its symptoms?

A prickling feeling in the skin
Waxy-looking skin
A bluish tinge in the skin
Which is the most durable material for building a raft to try floating to rescue again?

Coconut trees
Coconut hulls
In an emergency, what term should you radio to request assistance?

Whoooooaaaa, I am scared, guys
“Pan Pan”
The Sun can help you find your way if you get lost at sea. Which of the following statements about its direction is correct?

It rises in the west and sets in the east
It rises in the south and sets in the north
It rises in the north and sets in the south
It rises in the east and sets in the west
NEVER drink seawater because what can the salt in it cause?

High cholesterol
Heart attack
Kidney failure
You’re starting to get thirsty. What should you drink ideally?

Straight seawater
Your pee
Boiled seawater
There are many ways to build a fire in the event that you’re stranded somewhere. Which is NOT one of the ways?

Flint and steel
Match and wet bark
Magnifying glass
Which of the following colors would be the best to be wearing when waiting for rescue?

Forest green
What type of fishing might you be able to master with a sharpened bamboo stick?

When at sea, psychological distress is inevitable. What did Tom Hanks do to rectify this?

Built a fire
Read Harry Potter
Ran an obstacle course
Talked to Wilson
Seabirds can also be caught and eaten for nutrition. What is the first step in getting them ready to eat?

Cook them over a fire
Remove their beak
Remove feathers and skin them
Eat them raw
On the ship, a fire has started. You’re lucky to have a fire extinguisher. How do you employ the P.A.S.S. technique?

Push, aim, squeeze, sweep
Pull, assess, spray, stop
Pull, aim, squeeze, sweep
Punch, attack, slap, slam
If your ship is sinking, you should load your life raft with all BUT which of the following items?

First Aid Kit
On the open ocean, you might come face to face with a shark. What should you do if one comes after you?

Bite it back
Punch it in the nose
Play dead
Make yourself look big
The stars can also assist you in determining your direction. Polaris (the North Star) can be found in the sky by drawing a straight line from which constellation?

Little Dipper
Big Dipper
When stranded at sea, it might feel like the sun is boring into your brain. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of heatstroke?

Shallow breathing
Rapid heartbeat
Elevated body temperature
Excessive yawning

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