
Today’s Beauty Trends Got You Baffled? Discover These Strange Historical Practices!

What was used in the Renaissance to redden lips?

Beet juice



Berry extracts

In the Renaissance, lead was used to redden lips, which posed serious health risks due to its high toxicity.

What ancient practice involved singing to improve complexion?

Birdsong mimicry

Chanting mantras

Humming during baths

Listening to harps

Ancient practices included humming during baths, as it was believed that the vibrations helped improve the complexion by stimulating blood circulation.





In Renaissance Venice, noblewomen achieved blonde hair by applying various concoctions and sitting in the sun, symbolizing wealth and desirability.

What did the ancient Romans use as mouthwash?



Salt water

Mint tea

Ancient Romans used urine as a mouthwash due to the ammonia it contains, which is a natural whitening agent.

What did 19th-century women ingest to look frail?



Bread mold

Tapeworm eggs

In the 19th century, women ingested tapeworm eggs as a dangerous diet practice to maintain a frail, thin appearance, which was considered fashionable.

What did the ancient Maya use for dental aesthetics?

Gold dust

Jade inlays


Bone fragments

The ancient Maya used jade inlays in their teeth as a sign of beauty and status, embedding the stone into pre-drilled dental holes.

In Japan, what did women use to blacken their teeth?


Squid ink

Soy sauce


Ohaguro is a traditional Japanese practice where women blackened their teeth, using a dye made from iron filings dissolved in vinegar, among other ingredients.

Dyeing hair green

Bleeding with leeches

Swallowing tapeworms

Applying arsenic

Applying arsenic was a popular practice among medieval Europeans to achieve a pale complexion, despite its toxic effects.

What did ancient Persians do to enhance eye beauty?

Kohl lining

Fennel drops

Antimony powder

Cucumber slices

Ancient Persians used antimony powder to darken and define their eyes, believing it not only beautified but also protected the eyes.

What did ancient Greeks do to prevent baldness?

Rubbed opium

Applied pigeon droppings

Mixed honey with bear fat

Used olive oil treatments

Ancient Greeks applied pigeon droppings on their heads to prevent baldness, believing in its beneficial properties for hair growth.

Which unusual ingredient was used to moisturize skin in ancient Egypt?

Fish oil


Animal fats

Olive oil

Ancient Egyptians used animal fats as a moisturizer to protect and hydrate their skin in the arid climate.

What did 16th-century Japanese nobles use to clean their faces?

Rice water

Nightingale droppings

Spring water

Sea salt

16th-century Japanese nobles used nightingale droppings as a facial cleanser to maintain clear and bright skin, a practice still used in some spas today.

In the 18th century, what did women use to dilate their pupils?


Onion juice

Rose water

Honey drops

Women in the 18th century used belladonna, a toxic plant, to dilate their pupils and make them appear larger and more attractive.

What method did Tudor women use to remove freckles?

Lemon juice


Horse saliva


Tudor women used horse saliva to remove freckles, applying it as part of their facial beauty regimen to achieve a clearer complexion.

What unusual ingredient was used in Chinese foot binding?


Animal blood

Herbal pastes

Black tea

Animal blood was used in the process of Chinese foot binding to tighten the bindings and to supposedly strengthen the skin.

What did Victorian women eat to achieve a pale look?




Raw potatoes

Victorian women consumed arsenic to achieve a pale look. This dangerous practice reflected the era’s beauty standards that associated paleness with beauty.

Which substance did the Elizabethans use for white face makeup?

Egg whites



Talcum powder

Elizabethans used lead-based makeup to achieve a pale white complexion, despite the health hazards posed by lead.

What did ancient Egyptians use to lighten their skin?

Olive oil


Crocodile dung


Ancient Egyptians used milk to lighten their skin. The lactic acid in milk has bleaching properties which helped them achieve a paler complexion.

How did Victorian ladies tint their cheeks naturally?

Crushed berries

Beet juice

Red wine

Peach stain

Victorian ladies used crushed berries to tint their cheeks, preferring natural methods to achieve a rosy, healthy-looking glow.

What ancient remedy was used to treat baldness in ancient Egypt?

Lettuce leaves

Honey mix

Animal fats

Bear grease

Ancient Egyptians believed that lettuce leaves could help in treating baldness, often using them in concoctions applied to the scalp to promote hair growth.

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