
You Won’t Believe These Famous Left-Handers!

Which left-handed scientist is credited with the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Charles Darwin

Gregor Mendel

Louis Pasteur

James Watson

Charles Darwin, a left-hander, developed the theory of evolution by natural selection, fundamentally changing the way we understand biological life. His work, “On the Origin of Species,” laid the foundation for evolutionary biology.

Which left-handed composer is renowned for his Ninth Symphony?

Ludwig van Beethoven

Johann Sebastian Bach

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Ludwig van Beethoven, one of the greatest composers in Western music, was left-handed. His Ninth Symphony is celebrated for its complexity, emotional depth, and the inclusion of the “Ode to Joy,” symbolizing freedom and unity.

Which left-handed Beatle shook the music world with his songwriting and performance?

John Lennon

Paul McCartney

George Harrison

Ringo Starr

Paul McCartney, the left-handed bassist and singer of The Beatles, contributed significantly to the band’s success with his melodic bass playing and songwriting prowess, making music history.

Which left-handed fashion designer is known for his New Look silhouette, introduced in 1947?

Yves Saint Laurent

Giorgio Armani

Christian Dior

Coco Chanel

Christian Dior, the left-handed founder of the Dior fashion house, introduced the New Look silhouette in 1947. This style, characterized by its cinched waist and voluminous skirt, brought a new femininity to post-war fashion and had a lasting impact on 20th-century design.

Which Nobel Prize-winning physicist, famous for the theory of relativity, was left-handed?

Marie Curie

Albert Einstein

Isaac Newton

Niels Bohr

Albert Einstein, whose theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity, was left-handed. This fact often is cited to debunk myths about left-handers and intelligence.

Which U.S. President, known for his New Deal policies, was left-handed?

George W. Bush

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Ronald Reagan

Barack Obama

Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States, known for his New Deal policies aimed at the Great Depression, was left-handed. This detail adds a personal touch to the historic figure’s profile.

Which pioneering computer scientist and co-founder of Microsoft was left-handed?

Steve Jobs

Bill Gates

Mark Zuckerberg

Larry Page

Bill Gates, the left-handed co-founder of Microsoft, has been a pivotal figure in the development of personal computing, influencing technology and its role in society.

Which iconic artist, known for the “Mona Lisa,” was a left-hander?

Vincent van Gogh

Pablo Picasso

Leonardo da Vinci


Leonardo da Vinci, the quintessential Renaissance man, was not only famous for the “Mona Lisa” but also for being left-handed, which influenced his unique brush stroke technique and innovative inventions.

Which of these Academy Award-winning actresses known for her versatility and depth in acting is left-handed?

Meryl Streep

Angelina Jolie

Julia Roberts

Cate Blanchett

Meryl Streep, recognized for her broad range in roles and depth of character portrayal, is left-handed, adding another layer to her dynamic abilities as an actress.

Which left-handed guitarist is celebrated for revolutionizing rock music with his performances at Woodstock and beyond?

Eric Clapton

Jimi Hendrix

Eddie Van Halen

B.B. King

Jimi Hendrix, arguably the most influential electric guitarist in the history of rock music, was left-handed. His performances, notably at Woodstock, showcased his groundbreaking techniques and sound.

Which left-handed U.S. Supreme Court Justice became a cultural icon and advocate for gender equality?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Sandra Day O’Connor

Elena Kagan

Sonia Sotomayor

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a left-handed Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, became an icon of gender equality and women’s rights. Her legal career was marked by numerous milestones and her dissenting opinions often emphasized fairness and equality under the law.

Which left-handed artist is celebrated for his impressionist paintings, notably “Impression, Sunrise”?

Claude Monet

Vincent van Gogh

Edgar Degas

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Claude Monet, the founder of French Impressionist painting, was left-handed. His work “Impression, Sunrise” gave the Impressionist movement its name, known for capturing the natural beauty of light and color.

Which left-handed inventor is credited with creating the first practical telephone?

Nikola Tesla

Alexander Graham Bell

Thomas Edison

Guglielmo Marconi

Alexander Graham Bell, who was left-handed, is credited with inventing the first practical telephone. His invention revolutionized communication and led to the development of the global telecommunications industry.

Which of the following people was left handed?

Clement Attlee

Winston Churchill

Neville Chamberlain

Margaret Thatcher

Winston Churchill, though commonly thought to be right-handed, was actually ambidextrous and is often included in lists of famous left-handers. He led Britain as Prime Minister during a critical phase of World War II with his leadership and oratory skills.

Which iconic left-handed leader became the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?

Margaret Thatcher

Indira Gandhi

Angela Merkel

Golda Meir

Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady, was the first woman to hold the office of Prime Minister in the UK, leading with a strong hand that left a lasting impact on British politics and global affairs.

Which left-handed tennis legend has won multiple Wimbledon Championships?

Serena Williams

Roger Federer

Rafael Nadal

Pete Sampras

Rafael Nadal, renowned for his exceptional skills on clay courts, has also triumphed at Wimbledon, showcasing the versatility and strength of a left-handed player in a predominantly right-handed sport.

Which left-handed Nobel Laureate poet is known for “The Waste Land”?

William Butler Yeats

Sylvia Plath

T.S. Eliot

Seamus Heaney

T.S. Eliot, a left-handed poet and essayist, won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948. “The Waste Land,” his most famous work, is a landmark in 20th-century literature, known for its complexity and allusions.

Which left-handed physicist developed the principle of uncertainty, fundamental to quantum mechanics?

Albert Einstein

Werner Heisenberg

Niels Bohr

Erwin Schrödinger

Werner Heisenberg, a left-handed physicist, formulated the uncertainty principle, which is a key tenet of quantum mechanics. It states that the position and velocity of an object cannot both be measured exactly, at the same time.

Which left-handed author created the magical world of Hogwarts and the Harry Potter series?

J.K. Rowling

Stephen King

Neil Gaiman

George R.R. Martin

J.K. Rowling, the left-handed author behind the Harry Potter series, crafted one of the most beloved and enduring stories in modern literature, enchanting readers worldwide with her imagination and storytelling prowess.

Which left-handed author is known for the dystopian novel “1984”?

George Orwell

Aldous Huxley

Ray Bradbury

Margaret Atwood

George Orwell, the author of “1984,” was left-handed. His novel, which delves into themes of surveillance, government control, and individual freedom, remains profoundly influential in literature and discussions on political theory.

Right handed? You didn’t do very well on this quiz.

Ambidextrous? You performed decently on this quiz.

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